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Keeping School Cool with The Power of Sunbelt

It was the middle of August. The year had just begun, and students at a school district in the Southwest were just getting warmed up. 

But there was a problem: The HVAC systems were failing at more than 40 schools. And the timing didn’t help. Summer was in full swing and temperatures soared higher than 100 degrees. Unit after unit went down in a domino effect, which made classrooms unbearable. Students complained, and parents were furious. 

The district had to act quickly to keep students safe, so they called us. Our climate control specialists got to work right away, sourcing a total of 672 HVAC units from multiple locations to place at the affected schools, along with five cooling fans used in gymnasiums.

Several schools were built in the 1930s and 1940s, which meant our team had to be innovative and run duct equipment through doors and windows. We worked with school schedules before and after hours, so class could continue without interruption. 

All in all, we installed units on site within a week and worked behind the scenes to develop a contingency plan. We provided the district with a dedicated contact, so the schools had direct access in case of emergency. 

Once our units were operational, the results were a breath of fresh air for students and teachers alike. We kept our systems running until the seasons changed, at which point we swapped in heat pumps to keep airflow smooth. Our availability, reliability, and ease proved that at Sunbelt Rentals, we can take the heat.