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Keep Your Events Cool This Summer

Proper comfort levels and temperature conditions can make or break an event, especially in summer months or warmer climates. The heat of summer is consistent enough for event planners to include temporary air conditioning units into their budget. Whether an event is hosted during those peak summer months, or a long day in the sun toward the season change, portable AC units are a strategic investment. When investing in an event cooling ecosystem, it is important to develop a placement plan within the event area.

For the execution of your plan, remember that renting portable event air conditioning units provide the following benefits: 

  • Compact size
  • Easy setup
  • Cost-effective for short-term events
  • Maintain high customer satisfaction

Due to their easy setup and compact size, the bulk of the air conditioning ecosystem comes in the planning phase. When thinking about how and where to place these units, consider how to most efficiently manage their power throughout the day. If you’re looking to rent, here’s a list reasons to work portable air conditioners for events into the budget.

Outdoor Concerts

With any outdoor event, the placement of AC units is just as important as cooling longevity. For performers and their support staff, backstage can be a busy area and heat will only decrease efficiency and morale. To prevent the exhaustion of heat, portable AC units can be used strategically to keep event staff and performers comfortable enough to do their best work.

Sporting Events

Though golfers need to bear the heat on grass, they need to return to shaded and air-conditioned areas to stay focused on their performance. While the professionals play, dedicated viewers attend. To help cool these fans, air conditioning units can be placed along the course hot spots to promote longevity in viewership throughout the tournament. Similarly, NASCAR drivers must bear through the heat and speed without air conditioning. Before, during, and after the race, their team endures the outside temperatures. Portable air conditioning can keep each racer’s team cool, grounded, and grateful. 

VIP Tents

VIP tents are a great way to promote comfort at a premium – keeping event partners and high-value consumers happy and comfortable. These tents can be described as common lounge areas and include ideal views of the main attraction. Sometimes access to these VIP tents include complimentary food and drink.

Both sporting events and outdoor concerts use VIP tents to sell a nicer, more relaxed atmosphere. Seating, shade and tents, premium restroom access, and air conditioning typically provide a luxury experience at any outdoor event. 

Food & Beer Tents

Food stands and tents can get warm quickly, so it’s imperative to chefs, cashiers, and customers that portable air conditioning is working effectively.

With beer tents and beer gardens, air conditioning has a two-fold role; not only do AC units help keep beer cold, they also provide customers a cool environment for lounging. Because some outdoor events can only let people drink beer in certain areas, ensuring those tents stay cool can not only keep these people happy, but also extend their stay. 

Wedding Events

To ensure everyone focuses on the big day, planning an air conditioning ecosystem for weddings essential. Air conditioning units are versatile enough to be included on many different types of spaces. Guests will be happy with air conditioning at an outdoor reception, especially if the event location is in a barn, beach, or forest.

Many weddings will feature outdoor arrangements in addition to indoor; this means that air conditioning units can be used in lockstep with the event. With air conditioning units present in strategic locations around a wedding and active only when wedding guests are present, the focus can be on the happy couple. 

How much AC do I need?

When budgeting mobile air conditioning units before an event, it’s important to use each unit for maximum ROI. Learn more about temporary, portable, large-scale cooling and dehumidification equipment here. Our team will be available to help plan the solution for your upcoming event.