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Bypass: Choosing the Right Partner

Sewer Bypass is critical to the success of a project. From design to installation to on-site pump watch, a team of skilled professionals needs to be there every step of the way to meet your project requirements. When selecting your pumping solutions provider, there are several priorities to keep in mind. Ask yourself the following questions:

How is the solution provider's track record of success?

Be sure to ask if they can provide references for projects of similar size and scope. This information will go a long way in demonstrating the capabilities of the provider and can provide you the confidence you need to select the right partner. 

How much risk is the solution provider willing to take? Do they have a significant amount of limitations or exclusions in their proposal?

Dive deep into the proposal. Some proposals initially seem more appealing because of a low price point, but they typically include a significant amount of exclusions. Some of the most common limitations include providing or setting sewer plugs, daily operation including fueling, and more. Oftentimes, services are excluded to avoid liability, and due to a lack of experience. Partnering with a full-service provider can save you time, money, and unnecessary hassle in the long run.

View the on-demand webinar to learn the 10 must ask questions when choosing a pump solutions partner

Does the solution provider own their own equipment or do they source from another supplier?

If the provider sources their equipment, who assumes liability for that equipment? Partnering with a company that re-rents equipment can be high risk for the project owner if liability is not clearly defined. Solution providers who own and operate their equipment take accountability for their equipment’s performance and make sure it performs properly.

Does the solution provider have an established safety plan?

Safety is paramount for any construction project. Your provider should instill safety as their core value and be able to demonstrate their value of safety, history of training, and compliance with OSHA, as well as provincial regulations. 

Is the solution provider's personnel trained in sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) response?

Something such as a small overflow can cause environmental hazards, as well as additional expenses and project delays. If a provider’s team is trained in SSO response, these consequences can be lessened.

By asking these questions and choosing the right partner, you increase value and minimize risks for the project owner, while setting yourself up for success. Whether performing planned or emergency sewer replacement, your project needs to be in the hands of a team with a proven track record and an established safety plan to meet increased sanitary sewer demands for a successful project.

It helps to work with a partner that can provide not only high-quality equipment, but engineering knowledge, and installation expertise. The next time you need to design a sewer bypass system, we invite you to call our experts at 800-257-6921 or click here to request a quote.

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