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Finish Strong with a Construction Punch List

Picture this: It’s been a long project, and the end is finally in sight. As a contractor, you want nothing more than to get it off your plate. But before that can happen, you must first respond to a punch list.

Considered a professional courtesy, a punch list is essentially a final checklist of required changes to a build. It’s usually the last thing standing in your way of getting paid for a project. With a professional attitude, it’s nothing to be afraid of. And with this helpful overview, you’ll roll with the punches in no time.

Speak now or forever hold your peace

Punch lists are a major step in the construction process. It’s the last chance for a property owner or whoever is paying for the project to point out changes that need to be made. It comes after the site is checked against contract specifications.

If the project has gone according to plan and you’ve paid close attention to the details, the items on a punch list should be mostly minor tweaks, such as caulking along a bathtub or replacing a broken floor tile. You shouldn’t be dealing with wholesale changes unless there were some major miscommunications along the way.

Regardless of what’s needed, as long as it’s spelled out in the contract specs, the project owner can require you to take care of it. And the project isn’t done until they sign off and settle up with you.

For that reason, try to avoid thinking of punch lists as a nuisance. They’re a necessary milestone in a project — and an opportunity for you to do better.

Start with the hardest part

While you review your punch list, think through how you intend to tackle each task and prioritize. Odds are, there is one task in particular that is more time-consuming than the rest or that requires special equipment. Maybe, for instance, you need a manlift to fix an exterior problem.

Once you’ve identified the job with the most pain points, get it done right away. You’ll be glad you did. Punch time is crunch time, and there’s little room for error. Besides, once you get the big fix done, it’s an instant confidence boost for the rest of your list.

Check and check again

In construction, a professional is judged by the finished product. This is why a punch list is instrumental. It gives you and your crew a chance to make your work the best it can be.

A punch list also helps you make good on anything you didn’t follow through on the first time around. It’s a second chance to fix any problem areas, so make the most of it.

Every professional makes mistakes, but the good ones take pride in correcting them as soon as possible. So don’t fear the punch list; embrace it. Chances are, it will make you better prepared for the next project that comes your way.

Ready to knock out your punch list? Need some equipment to reach the finish line? Sunbelt Rentals is here for you. Our construction specialists have everything you need to finish your project, with expertise you can count on. Contact us today for more information.


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