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Change Your Hurricane Plan from Reactive to Proactive

Hurricanes are among the most dangerous and destructive storm systems in the world. Each year, the heavy rain, strong winds, floods, and coastal storm surges pose a significant threat to lives and properties. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 and the Eastern Pacific hurricane season runs May 15 through November 30. When a hurricane disaster strikes, will you be prepared?

Your disaster prevention should include:

  • Developing a family communication plan (including a plan for any pets)
  • Creating a disaster supply kit
  • Establishing an evacuation route to a nearby shelter
  • Securing your home

In preparation for a hurricane:

  • Listen to the NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards to track the storm’s progress
  • Ensure you have cash and fill your car’s gas tank in case of evacuation
  • Store important documents (passports, social security cards) in a watertight container
  • Turn off propane tanks and unplug appliances

During the hurricane:

  • Stay indoors, away from windows and doors
  • Do not use candles if the power goes out, use flashlights
  • Avoid contact with floodwater, as it could be contaminated
  • Be alert for tornadoes, often reproduced by hurricanes

After a hurricane hits:

  • Let friends and family know you’re safe (can use Facebook Check In)
  • If evacuated, return only when authorities say to do so
  • If your home has damage, take pictures of damage for insurance purposes