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CAT CLASS: 0320421

Dust Extractor 100-199CFM Electric

Dust collector vacuums are ideal for collecting dust and residue from surface preparation equipment including grinders, planers, scabblers, and shot blasters. Reduce the environmental and health hazards of airborne particles. Operates with 120V power with between 100-199 CFM (cubic ft. per minute).

Products are subject to availability.

Make Bosch DeWalt DeWalt Husqvarna
Model VAC140AH DWV010 DWH303DH S13
Amp Rating N.A. 15 N.A. N.A.
CFM Range 150 CFM 150 CFM 0 0-129 CFM
Hose Length 1 3/8" x 10' N.A. N.A. N.A.
Vacuum Hose N.A. 1-1/4" x 15' Onboard Attachment 1-1/4" x 15'
Weight 48 lbs N.A. 5 lbs 66 lbs
Safety Requirements
  • Eye Protection
  • Gloves